Concerts » Beate Rux-Voss


Born in Göppingen, South Germany, her musical activities started at age five with piano and violin instructions, later for viola and trumpet. She received her first organ lessons when she was twelve.

From 1987 until 1991, she studied Sacred Music at the Lübeck conservatory with Professor Martin Haselböck, followed by studies at Saarbrücken conservatory for organ (Professor Daniel Roth) and harpsichord (Gerald Hambitzer) . 1993 she passed her Concert final examinations with distinction, then continued with a course “Historical keyboard instruments” with Professor Jon Laukvik at Stuttgart conservatory, before completing her studies in Sacred Music in Esslingen with an A-exam.

She was awarded a 4th price at the Lahti International Organ Competition in 1989, then won the first price at the International Georg-Böhm-Competition in Lüneburg, 1990. She played concert tours through the whole of Germany, in several East European countries as well as in Vienna, Paris, and Copenhagen.

Beate Rux-Voss, after three years as organist at the Friedenskirche in Ludwigsburg, now holds an A- position at St.Paul´s Church in Bad Kreuznach since 1996, where she conducts the church choir “Kantorei” and the Vocal Ensemble, and started the “Amadeus children´s school of music”. She was given the city´s “culture award” in 2000 for her various accomplishments. In 2011 she performed the complete organ work of Johann Sebastian Bach on four organs in three days.

Concerts » Beate Rux-Voss


Beate Rux-Voss aloitti urkujensoiton opinnot 12 vuoden iässä. Tätä aiemmin hän sai opetusta pianon, viulun, alttoviulun ja trumpetin soitossa. Vuosina 1987-1991 hän opiskeli kirkkomusiikkia Lyypekin konservatoriossa prof. Martin Haselböckin luokalla. Jatko-opinnot veivät hänet Saarbrückeniin prof. Daniel Rothin luokalle. Solistidiplomi valmistui vuonna 1993. Hän päätti opintonsa Stuttgartissa Jon Laukvikin opissa.

Rux-Voss voitti ensimmäisen palkinnon Georg Böhm –kilpailussa Lüneburgissa v. 1990. Tätä ennen hän tuli suomalaisille tutuksi Lahden urkuviikon kilpailun finaalisijoituksellaan v. 1989. hän on konsertoinut ahkerasti Euroopan eri maissa. Hän toimii vuodesta 1996 Bad Kreuznahissa. Vuonna hänelle myönnettiin kaupunkinsa kulttuuripalkinto. Vuonna 2011 Beate Rux-Voss esitti koko Bach-tuotannon kolmen päivän aikana.